Nikko AM KiwiSaver

Nikko AM KiwiSaver is a licensed managed investment scheme manager that is managed by Japanese giant Nikko Asset Management.

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If you’re considering opening a KiwiSaver fund with Nikko AM, check out Canstar’s latest Star Ratings for its products.

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Types of Nikko AM KiwiSaver

Nikko AM has offers members the choice of eight funds, which are grouped into two categories:

  1. Single Sector Funds
  2. Diversified Funds

Single Sector Funds

A single sector fund is an investment in a specific asset class, such as NZ shares or an area within that class such as property. You can hand-pick a specific fund you want to invest in, or you can choose a variety of single sector funds to diversify your portfolio. Nikko AM’s Single Sector Funds are broken up into three subcategories:

  1. Bonds
  2. Cash

Share Funds include an SRI Equity Fund, Global Shares Fund and ARK Disruptive Innovation Fund.

Diversified Funds

Diversified funds combine a mix of assets to achieve specific risk-return goals. Nikko AM has three types of Diversified Funds, each with varying levels of risk and growth return:

  1. Growth Fund
  2. Balanced Fund
  3. Conservative Fund

Eligibility to open a Nikko AM KiwiSaver account

Most New Zealanders can join KiwiSaver. Find out if you’re eligible on the government’s KiwiSaver website.

Join or transfer to a Nikko AM KiwiSaver account

Apply online on the Goals Getter by Nikko AM website.

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Written by: Caitlin Bingham | Last updated: October 4, 2023