OneAnswer KiwiSaver

Compare OneAnswer KiwiSaver
If you’re considering opening a KiwiSaver fund with OneAnswer, check out Canstar’s latest Star Ratings for its products.
Types of OneAnswer KiwiSaver funds
OneAnswer offers 14 actively managed KiwiSaver funds, each offering a different level of potential return and targeted to the needs of a different life stage. They are split between multi-asset and single-asset funds. The funds contain varying mixes of assets, with cash and fixed-interest bonds (income assets) making up most of the conservative funds, and equities (growth assets) making up more of the growth options.
Multi-asset Funds
- High Growth Fund
- Growth Fund
- Balanced Growth Fund
- Balanced Fund
- Conservative Balanced Fund
- Conservative Fund
Single-asset Funds
- Cash Fund
- NZ Fixed Interest Fund
- International Fixed Interest Fund
- Australian Property Fund
- International Property Fund
- Australasian Share Fund
- International Share Fund
- Sustainable International Share Fund
OneAnswer also offers a Lifetimes option, which moves your investments through its funds based on your age. As you get close to retirement age, you’ll be invested in lower risk funds, with the aim of reducing the likelihood of your investment losing value.
Eligibility to open an OneAnswer KiwiSaver account
Most New Zealanders can join KiwiSaver. Find out if you’re eligible on the government’s KiwiSaver website.
How to open an OneAnswer KiwiSaver account
Apply online on the ANZ website.