Credit Cards - April 29th Is it Better to Use PayPal or a Credit Card for Online Purchases? Handing over payment information online can sometimes be risky. There are often major concerns around cyber security and theft of private details or money. With more transactions being made online every year, the question often …
Credit Cards - February 23rd Applying for a credit card: how do I get approved? Common questions about the credit card application process Do I need a good credit rating to get approved for a credit card? Which credit card should I apply for? How do I apply for a …
Home & Contents Insurance - February 18th Insurance one-stop shops are not for everyone You know how health hubs are becoming more popular? You've got a dentist, doctor, pharmacy and physiotherapist in one convenient location? You can think of bundling your financial products a little like that. Having your …
Credit Cards - February 17th Avoiding credit score ‘black marks’ from credit cards A credit score, or credit rating, is one of the most important factors in your financial life. A credit history report allows lenders to do a credit rating check on your financial fitness, before giving …
Credit Cards - February 17th It takes two, baby … why a joint credit card requires careful thought First things first, what is a joint credit card and how does it work? Theoretically, there are actually two ways you can share a credit card. However, the permissions and responsibility of debt vary, depending on …
Test - February 12th Young Drivers: What Do They Mean for Car Insurance? Inexperience and poor decision making are major contributors to younger drivers having a greater likelihood of a car crash. Alarmingly, New Zealand has the second highest death rate in the 15-24 age group, out of …
Health Insurance - January 27th How getting health insurance can help you jump the queue Co-author: Michelle Norton More than one million New Zealanders – approximately 1. 4 million according to the Health Funds Association of New Zealand (HFANZ) – already have a health insurance policy. That figure is nothing to sneeze …
Home Loans - January 22nd Will a property trust really protect you if a relationship sours? Buying property with a partner – whether partner by marriage or otherwise – is not a decision to be made lightly. On the one hand, it can signal the start of a really exciting new …
Home & Contents Insurance - January 14th Choosing Insurance on Price Alone is Tempting, but is it Worth the Risk? The Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman keeps a record of cases it has resolved involving consumer complaints against insurance providers. And while we can't guarantee that you'll never encounter any problems with an insurer, being …
Savings Accounts - January 14th How to Teach Kids that Saving can be Fun According to research, the money habits you have as an adult have been set by the time you reach the age of seven. Experts at Cambridge University found that by age seven, most children have …